End-of-life Pet Care
At Downey Veterinary Hospital, we understand that our patients are loved deeply by their families. We care about all of our patients, and we help to guide our clients through the end-of-life process with the utmost respect and sympathy.
What to expect?
1. One of our knowledgeable Customer Service Representatives will schedule a Quality-of-Life Consultation with Dr. Raymond.
2. During the visit, Dr. Raymond will discuss the options available for the patient’s care.
3. If the decision is made for humane euthanasia, we will start by giving our patient a sedative. It is in the form of an injection, which can be slightly uncomfortable. We assure you this will be the only discomfort our patient will feel.
4. After a few minutes, the patient will enter a sedated state, at which point an Intravenous Catheter is placed to allow a smooth and stress-free final injection.
5. After our client has had the chance to say their final goodbye, they will notify Dr. Raymond when they are ready.
6. Once the injection (Euthasol Solution) is injected via the IV Catheter, within a few seconds, the patient will enter a permanent sleep, free of all pain and discomfort.